For the past week we have been keeping a look out for the illusive Water Rail, in the process we caught a clip of the Little Egret(or its latin name Egretta garzetta). Little Egrets are white birds, with a slender black beak, long black legs and yellow feet and is a member of the Heron family. Since first breeding in the UK in 1996 the Little Egret successfully colonised the southern part of the UK and has moved north with a population of 1100 pairs.
We also had a Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) singing in are woods, The Mistle Thrush is a bird with a brown back, greyish nape and crown and spotted breast and belly. The male has a wistful song which is often performed during or just after wet and windy weather, giving the species its folkname 'stormcock'. There are 165 thousand territories in the UK, like the Song Thrush and Blackbird the Mistle Thrush population has been in decline since the mid 1970s.
We have also been keeping an eye out for the local Water Rail caught on are trail camera.