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Into Autumn

September and early October has seen a relatively mild time with little rain and no frosts.This results in birds still feeding on insects,and not needing to fatten up on the seeds, and bird table fatballs. The Trust here does not put out fatballs until the weather dictates that the birds need the extra fat stores to survive. Thankfully the various Tits have opted for bugs and not the feeders.

Long-tailed Tit

The moth trap has been put out in various locations to maximise the warmish weather.

Wood Blewits

The Flower Meadow has been cut, a major indicator of the end of summer. The Trusts usual chap was unable to do the job so a few phone calls later had Roy on the job , and an excellent job was completed. Sadly the amount of Creeping Thistle prevented the cut being used as hay, but at least the grass will rot down and add to the pool wetland in the woods.


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