As the days get longer and the nights get shorter, Spring is slowly getting closer. We are starting to see more and more flowers open up.
One of those flowers is the Primrose (Primula vulgaris) also known as the Common Primrose or the English Primrose.
We also got to see are first Daffodil open up for the new spring, and more of them ready to bloom any moment.
We are happy to find a Water Rail taking up residence in our area. This one above was caught with one of our trail cameras a couple of days ago. It is a member of the crake family, with its long red bill and black-and-white striped sides. They favour the lush dense vegetation associated with waterbodies and wet ground. This is a species that is more often heard than seen. During the winter the most common call is a ‘pig-like’ squeal and Water Rail squealing are often referred to as ‘sharming’. In 2016 there were 3900 territories recorded in the UK. In comparison, the Moorhen has 210 thousand breeding territories in the UK.