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Waxwings Visit theTrust

I have been watching the increased records of Waxwings in the Uk this winter and wondering if they would pay us a visit at the Trust near Kirkby Fleetham , well yesterday they turned up!

Feeding on ornamental Rowan that line the flower meadow , thirty Waxwing fed on the off white berries, going backward and forewards from the vantage point in the tops of Silver Birch.

At first sight the flock looks to be a flock of Starlings, then whengetting closer the crest of these beautiful birds became obvious. The activity of sything the wild flower plot did not seem to disturb them, and even with a basic mobile phone camera we were able to gain some fantastic photos.

These birds are not a migrant to the UK, as visits here are intermittent, and numbers vary, but this year the high number classify it as an irruption, mainly due to the lack of food, or poor weather in Scandinavia.

Waxwings breed in Russia, Finland and East Scandinavia. For further information visit the BTO website regarding movements/facts


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